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Entrepreneur Weekly

Mar 2, 2019

Episode #141: Calculated Risk Taking and Increasing Productivity
Published: March 2, 2019
Your career may have been born from passion, but what will sustain your journey? Securing entrepreneurial mentors who have already ventured the road less traveled will accelerate success. In this episode, George Black and Sean Byrnes share sage advice to take smart risks and increase productivity. George Black, Author of “Dear, Mr. A” (soon to be re-titled "The Next Level Entrepreneur-Finding Direction IN Your Passions and Build a Great Company"), reveals how the 'ready, aim, fire’ concept can help you take calculated risks in your business. Next, we are joined by Sean Byrnes, Co-Founder and CEO of Outlier AI, Inc., an artificial intelligence company that helps businesses make the most out of masses of data. Listen for Sean’s top six hacks to increase productivity and make the most of your workday.
  • [00:00:00] Sage Advice is Invaluable in Business
  • [00:05:00] Achieve Success with the Fuel of Passion
  • [00:11:30] Navigate Your Obstacles with Strategy
  • [00:18:21] Don’t Let Bad Habits Get the Best of You
  • [00:26:28] Tips for Top Efficiency and Productivity
  • [00:33:21] Don’t Get Motion Confused with Progress