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Entrepreneur Weekly

Dec 25, 2019

Whether you’re the CEO of a large corporation or the average work-a-day Joe, insurance is a big decision, and an even bigger expenditure every month. Find out how Clearsurance Founder and CEO, Mike Crowe, built an impartial insurance aggregation platform that can help you find the right insurance for your car, health, or business based on our needs. Insurance is a competitive and profitable field, listen in to pierce the veil of insurance agents and save on your bills. Insurance hasn’t been fully aggregated like the airline and travel industry has, with sites like Travelocity dominating the scene and giving you reliable price comparisons, and Clearsurance is disrupting the marketplace. Founder of Travelocity, Co-founder of, and Author of Disruption OFF, Terry Jones, knows A LOT about disruptive technologies and their influence on various markets, from his time on the board of 17 different companies and work helping to build the online travel site, Travelocity, from within American Airlines in the mid 1990s. Tune in to find out how you can recognize, adapt, and succeed in the face of incoming industry disruption. His most recent book, Disruption OFF: The Technological Disruption Coming for Your Company and What to Do About It, contains amazingly valuable information for any entrepreneur, in an easily digestible 100 short-chapter format. Check it out on


  •       [00:00:00] Put Your Insurance Out to Bid
  •       [00:05:51] Get the Full Picture with Clearsurance
  •       [00:11:30] What Drives Clearsurance Profit?
  •       [00:18:21] Perspective: Innovation Vs. Disruption
  •       [00:26:50] Meet Change Head On with Disruption OFF
  •       [00:33:22] Lessons From Innovative Companies